Kick-off in the project on phosphorus availability
At the beginning of January, the Swedish Water and Wastewater Development project Phosphorus availability in sludge and sludge biochar had its kick-off meeting.
The project group gathered at Copenhagen University’s experimental farm at Højbakkegård Alle in Taastrup outside Copenhagen on January 9. This is where the project’s framework trial will be carried out.
Jakob Magid, Dorette Müller-Stöver and Josephine Kooij from the University of Copenhagen talked about their previous studies regarding phosphorus availability in sludge biochar and pretreatment of sludge biochar to increase phosphorus availability.
Pietro Sica, also from the University of Copenhagen, told about the project SuperKul – Enhancing phosphorus recycling efficiency and carbon Sequestration through treatments for UPcyclEd biochars use in Regenerative agriCULture, which will run parallel to and in collaboration with our project.
Of course, we also discussed the project design of our study.
The frames were barely visible on this snowy day