PHD PROJECT Organic micropollutants, such as pharmaceutical residues, end up in our environment after they…
Maja Ekblad
PhD student
Maja has studied environmental engineering with water resource management as specialization at the Faculty of Engineering (LTH) at Lund University. She worked as project engineer in water and environmental engineering at LTH (2014-2015) looking at removal of organic micro pollutants in waste water. Since March 2016 she is a PhD-student in water and environmental engineering at LTH financed by Sweden Water Research.
The aim of the PhD-project is to look at advanced wastewater treatment using ozone for removal of organic micropollutants at Swedish wastewater treatment plants. Karin Jönsson (LTH) is main supervisor, Michael Cimbritz (LTH), Marinette Hagman (Ramboll) and Kai Bester Aarhus University) are co-supervisors.