Mikael Danielsson
PhD student
Mikael has a master’s degree in molecular microbiology at Lund University. During the study period he conducted experimental thesis works within the water industry. Bachelor’s thesis focusing on cyanobacteria and algae in lake water. Master’s thesis focusing on bacterial mapping in drinking water production, using flow cytometry. Since graduation he has been working in Norrvatten’s accredited drinking water laboratory.
In September 2019, Mikael was employed as industrial PhD student at the department of applied microbiology of LTH and at Norrvatten. Mikael’s project is about how the distribution system affects drinking water quality. The distribution systems in Stockholm, Skåne and Varberg are analyzed with the goal of finding overall factors that affect biostability in order to maintain high quality. Examples of parameters that are monitored thoroughly are chlorination, operating method of water towers and time since production.
In order to gain information about this, continuous sampling is performed at strategic points in the distribution system. Furthermore, online analyses of bacteria, ATP and particles are implemented. As a final step, DNA is sequenced to identify the composition of microorganisms in the water.