Våra nyheter –

Avloppsvatten som rinner

Post-treatment for a novel wastewater treatment process

Municipal wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) are facing stricter effluent requirements expected from the future EU wastewater directive. Meanwhile, it is desirable to decrease the utilization of resources and energy.
Avloppsvatten som rinner

Carbon balance and energy potential for a novel wastewater treatment process

Municipal wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) are facing stricter effluent requirements expected from the future EU wastewater directive. Meanwhile, it is desirable to decrease the utilization of resources and energy.

Modellering med radardata

Examensarbete, 30 hp. Examensarbetet riktar sig till civilingenjörsstudenter från V och W som genomför en master inom vattensresurshantering samt till studenter inom det internationella masterprogrammet i Water Resources Engineering.

Planerad start bestäms i samråd mellan student och handledare.
Kartbild ovanifrån

Kartläggning av möjliga ytor för gröna lösningar

Examensarbete, 30 hp. Examensarbetet riktar sig till civilingenjörsstudenter från V och W som genomför en master inom vattensresurshantering samt till studenter inom det internationella masterprogrammet i Water Resources Engineering.

Planerad start bestäms i samråd mellan student och handledare.
Fyra sittande kvinnor på rad vid havet.

Master thesis proposal: Bathing water quality surveillance

Every summer, there are reports that the bathing water in Helsingborg is not safe. Bacteria are discovered on the beach, but despite many attempts to understand where these bacteria come from, the source has not yet been found.

Comparison of different release batch tests for mapping the potential of enhanced biological phosphorus removal at wastewater treatment plants

Comparison of different release batch tests for mapping the potential of enhanced biological phosphorus removal…

Exjobbsförslag våren 2021: Microplastic removal in stormwater by membrane filtration

Background Population growth and related economic activities stress water resources across Europe (EU) and the…