Reduction of persistent substances in wastewater - Sweden Water Research

Reduction of persistent substances in wastewater

The overall objective of the project is the development of treatment methods designed to reduce drug residues and organic micropollutants in the effluents from existing municipal wastewater treatment plants.

Reduction of drug residues, priority substances (Water Framework Directive) and possibly also other persistent substances will be studied. Tests will be performed with ozone and activated carbon. Evaluation of technologies will be based on reduction of specific substances, reduction of ecotoxicological effects and on possibilities for implementation at Swedish wastewater treatment plants. The analysis includes process considerations, need for subsequent treatment and assessment of various operational issues.

Based on the established university program VA-teknik Södra, the project will be implemented in cooperation between Gryaab, Kretslopp och vatten (Göteborg Stad), NSVA, VA SYD, Lund University, Sweden Water Research AB and SWECO.