News – Project news

Skärmdump på flera personer i ett digitalt möte

Workshop on system analysis of sludge biochar systems

On Monday, 25 September, Testbed Ellinge organised a digital workshop on system analysis of sludge biochar systems. Four different research groups, from Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden respectively, participated.
En kvinna och två män på rad, alla tittar in i kameran

How plant available is the phosphorus in the sludge biochar?

Thursday 21 September, we had a pre-meeting for the project Phosphorus availability in sludge and sludge biochar, in which we will study phosphorus and heavy metal uptake in a four-year frame study. Dorette Müller-Stöver and Jakob Magid visited VA SYD and Testbed Ellinge's project manager David Gustavsson yesterday to discuss the project.
Brun jord plöjd i fåror under blå himmel

Final conference for the Rest till Bäst project

A range of results were presented at the project Rest till Bäst final conference in Malmö last week.
Stora rostfria rörliknande delar

The pilot is now being assembled at Ellinge WWTP

Now all the parts for the pilot are in place at Ellinge.
Två personer häller något från en kanna ner i ett stort kärl. Miljön är industriell.

FramBliK – a new pilot project at Källby Wastewater Treatment Plant

In August, a new pilot for effective biological phosphorus and nitrogen removal was started at the Källby Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP). The project is called FramBliK, an Swedish acronym for “The biofilm process of the future in continuous operation”.
Grafisk illustration över ett kemiskt förlopp

How does the pretreatment of wastewater affect the energy balance …

... and the need for volume for the biological treatment?
Slambiokol ligger i en hög. Det ser ut som ett svart pulver.

The 2nd Swedish Conference on Sewage Sludge Biochar 2024

It's time to make space in your calendar for the 2nd Swedish Conference on Sewage Sludge Biochar, 15-17 October 2024.

New report on the city’s sources of microplastics

Emma Fältström, a PhD student at Sweden Water Research, and Heléne Österlund at Luleå University of Technology have in their report “μrban Plastics – Sources, sinks and flows of microplastics in the urban environment” mapped out how microplastics from land enter our water environments, with a focus on stormwater.
Stort metallkar står i en rymlig verkstad

Pilot plant at Ellinge WWTP is further delayed

The startup of the pilot plant at Ellinge Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) is further delayed. The first batches of sludge will be pyrolyzed in October instead of August as previously planned. The supplier, Aquagreen, will be on-site until December to fine-tune the facility.
flygbild över ett avloppsreningsverk där olika byggnader och bassänger syns

Testbed Ellinge presented at the Biochar Summit 2023

At the Biochar Summit 2023 in Helsingborg, during the Sewage Sludge Pyrolysis in the FPR workshop, several researchers presented their work on sewage sludge biochar. One of them was the project leader of Testbädd Ellinge. Here is a brief summary.

ICU – improved carbon utilization in a smaller footprint

In the research project ICU, industrial PhD student Elin Ossiansson is testing a new process combination for more efficient wastewater treatment, aiming to generate an equal amount of biogas from the sludge but with reduced energy consumption. After two years of pilot testing at the Källby wastewater treatment plant, the results are promising.

Testbed Ellinge represented when waste was in new focus

In March, people interested in waste gathered from all corners of Sweden in Gothenburg for the conference Waste in New Focus. During the session that dealt with attitudes and potentials around sludge recycling, Dag Lorick participated and told about Gryaab's view on pyrolysis and about the work carried out in Testbed Ellinge.